Low Back Pain - Causes, Treatment and Prevention

If lower back pain occurs, it may be the result of a large list of causes. One of the most harmless options is physical fatigue. In more severe conditions, hernia, protrusions, or bone system damage. It is possible.Back pain can be caused by a wide range of reasonsTo find out what causes lower back pain, you must undergo a medical examination. After diagnosis, appropriate treatment is prescribed to relieve the symptoms and eliminate the root cause of the pain.

Why lower back pain: classification of painful sensations

If there is severe lower back pain in any part of the spine, it may be a sign of some pathological changes. The physician not only assesses the nature and severity of the pain, but also the problems in the lumbar region. A complete history collection is necessary, along with other symptoms of.

pain syndrome is classified as follows:

  1. Non-specific pain of a benign nature. In most situations, benign chronic or acute pain does not make a difficult diagnosis. These unpleasant symptoms are reversible in most cases. Use of such unpleasant sensations to diagnose dorsopathyPrior to this, the diagnosis seemed to be different - osteochondrosis. It is not a dangerous disease that occurs in every person with age, which is due to the action of gravity and muscle weakness due to the subsistence of the intervertebral disc. Is characterized by
  2. radiculopathy (radicular syndrome). The condition is associated with squeezing or burning of the nerve root in the interdisc space. Such pains can indicate the occurrence of an inflammatory process, compression of the vertebrae of the intervertebral disc, protrusion and hernia. They greatly impair the quality of life of the patient, especially during acute periods with any physical activity.
  3. Specific or worrisome for back pain. Symptoms of such discomfort are difficult to diagnose alone, so an additional examination is often scheduled, which may include cancer, tuberculosis, kidney disease or fractures, exclusion of injuries. Examples are pyelonephritis with fever, pregnant women, lower back pain, lower abdominal pain with diseases of the female reproductive system. In men, urinary symptoms should be excluded.

The general classification of pain is divided into:

  • strong;
  • spicy;
  • pain;
  • chronic;
  • transferred.

lower back pain - cause

Severe lower back painwith manifestations of osteochondrosis. Preferred sensations torment the patient almost all the time - while walking, sitting and even lying down. Causes more intense pain in the lower back during the day. Increased by coughing, sneezing, lifting weights. Less often, in the lower back, there is leg pain, which is manifested by paresthesia - numbness. The feeling of going and running a scary leg.

If a patient has sciatica, the pain goes to the lower body - buttocks, pelvis, thigh or lower leg. There is increased discomfort with active physical movements, as in the case of dorsopathy. When such symptoms appear. , Then it is necessary to consult a neurologist at the earliest.

lower back and lower abdominal painindicates a bacterial lesion, often accompanied by painful urination. In women, lower back pain is often seen during pregnancy or during menstruation. Below the lower part of the abdomen, Pain is a result of painful spasms or fetal pressure on internal organs. In the lower part of the pith, right or left pain indicates kidney disease. It is necessary to clarify the diagnosis with a doctor. The most reliable diagnostic methods are X-rays andThere are MRIs.

Often the cause of lower back pain in women is related to their timing. Lower back pain in women due to uterine cramps. To combat painful periods, you need to take NSAIDs or use hormone therapy. There is a need to use. Less commonly, a condition of ovarian syndrome is observed. In addition to discomfort in the lower part of the pedestal, a woman sees alternating pain in the middle of the cycle on the right or left side. Why this condition occursStill not fully known.

During pregnancy, lower back pain occurs due to displacement of center of gravity and muscle weakness. The condition returns to normal after delivery. Popular stimulation is seen at any time. It is important that the backShould be able to differentiate with weight injury and with pathology. If at any stage of pregnancy, in addition to back and lower abdominal pain, there is a menstrual discharge, you should immediately consult a doctor. Needed.

In men, painful sensations in the lower back and below the waist, which radiate to the perineum, indicate the development of inflammation of the prostate. If, in addition to these symptoms, a man's body temperature increases andIf there is a decline in well-being, then you need to contact a physician or urologist. Treat inflammation with antibiotics.

Acute back pain occurs in such conditions:

  • Sprains or swelling of the back muscles;
  • Staying long in antalgic posture;
  • If you suddenly lift too much weight;
  • sharp turns of the side or body, injuries;
  • Draft or hypothermia.

What to do if you have lower back pain: When the condition indicates physical damage, you need to see a traumatologist. Specialist drug therapy in the acute period to relieve the symptoms. First, NSAIDs of systemic action are used, and then they switch to external forms of release. It is useful for taking vitamin preparations, injecting neurotropic drugs. During the recovery period, physiotherapy, Massage, gymnastics is indicated.

Why unpleasant symptoms appear - lower back pain due to inflammation of muscle fibers or myositis. The situation is not pleasant, because the patient feels stiffness below the waist, and the general movement of the body is difficult. To temporarily relieve the condition, you need to take a hot bath, and then wrap yourself in warm clothes. Often the lumbar region hurts after a back injury. Warming ointments. It is also recommended to use. If the condition does not improve after a few days, it is better to see a doctor.

Lower back pain and pain during spondylosis. The patient has a persistent lower back pain, and has problems with the legs over time. Loss of sensitivity and weakness is observed. Spondylosis pathology is dangerous if the symptoms are ignored, because the disease takes a long time to develop. Other causes of stretching of the pains are ankylosing spondylitis, other diseases, pain that causes spines or cancer. Can not pull together, you need to seek help from a specialist immediately.

Sometimes the patient suffers from "displaced pain", the nature of which he does not know. The patient has an unpleasant sensation in the back, but this condition is not associated with the developing deformity of the spine. Pain radiating to the pelvis, The stomach or duodenum is associated with problems in the kidneys.

In which situations you need to contact a specialist immediately:

  1. The pain syndrome is acute, and the discomfort does not go away after 2-3 days, or even intensifies.
  2. Unpleasant sensations have occurred after an injury or as a result of an accident. Peel forces fell or swollen.
  3. with the occurrence of pain in the lower back, lower legs, hips, pelvis.
  4. Stimulation in the limbs, pelvis, buttocks, thigh, legs, feet and waist is lost due to unpleasant sensations.

Only a physician will find out the exact cause of back pain.

Treatment and methods for relief of low back pain

After diagnosis is made, therapy is selected according to the patient's individual characteristics. Treatment is aimed at relieving unpleasant symptoms and preventing relapse. Typically, conservative treatments are combined with the principles of physiotherapy and rehabilitation. Is added. In advanced conditions, surgical intervention may be required.

drug therapy

Drug use is the most widespread branch of back therapy. From medications for prescriptions, NSAIDs or analgesics, antispasmodics, neurotropic vitamins, and muscle relaxants. Each group of medicines will be discussed separately. Symptomatic treatments are intended to relieve pain during exaggeration. They do not have an effect on the root cause of the disease.

NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) face multiple functions simultaneously during symptomatic treatment of back pain. Funds effectively relieve and eliminate the inflammatory process due to reversible inhibition of the synthesis of inflammatory mediators. Systemic forms of release, in the form of tablets and injections, are used over a short period of time to relieve severe pain syndrome.

Diclofenac and Movalis are the gold standard in the treatment of back pain. Less commonly, indomethacin or ketorolac are prescribed. After a few days of therapy, the patient is transferred to the use of external forms of release, which is used for a long time. Can be done till time. Diclofenac gel, naproxen, ketorolac trometamol, piroxicam completely anesthetize.

Antispasmodics can be used to treat a patient if the patient does not relax the muscles. Classic antispasmodics are droteverein hydrochloride or papaverine hydrochloride. They are prescribed to relieve smooth muscle spasms, resulting inRadiation may be produced in the spine. This type of fund is easier to tolerate than NSAIDs, but also has a weaker effect.

Central muscle relaxant medications include tizanidine, tolperisone hydrochloride, or baclofen. The most commonly prescribed treatment for muscle elasticity is tolperisone hydrochloride, although tizanidine is more potent and has many side effects. Balofen is actually for advanced cases. Prescribed is a prescription drug. It is not a first-line drug, as it exhibits many side effects. The average duration of therapy is 1–1 when the muscles are relaxed. 5 months. If the spasticity has not disappeared during this period, the medicines are removed.

Physiotherapy methods of rehabilitation

In this branch of medicine, it is customary to use the following recovery methods:

  1. electrophoresis. Under the action of galvanic current, drugs are injected through the skin. Typically, injections of B vitamins, nicotinic acid, chondroprotectors are used. It is a treatment for back pain. Long way, but it is effective and helps in the rehabilitation period well. The galvanic current has good conductivity, causing disturbances in blood flow. The medicines remain active for 15 hours.
  2. Laser therapy aimed at reducing pain. With the help of point-tuned infrared radiation, the method aims at relieving pain, elimination of cramps, stimulation of regenerative processes, improving microcirculation in tissues, relaxation and immunity. There is an increase. Laser therapy is particularly effective in the treatment of osteochondrosis, hernia, protrusion.
  3. Acupuncture is an ancient therapeutic method officially approved by WHO. Contrary to the procedure, the duration of conception is up to 1 year of age and after 75 years. With the help of acupuncture, pain syndrome of varying degreesThe essence of the method is the effect of a needle on the nerve endings of the affected area. The average course of therapy is from 10 to 12 sessions. Effectively and quickly relieves pain in any part of the back -On the side, on the left side or on the right side of the spinal column.
  4. Physiotherapy is one of the most popular rehabilitation methods for back pain. If there are no contraindications to the procedure, then special exercises are selected by a rehabilitation therapist, which aims to restore spinal mobility, to the muscles. Eliminating the pain, strengthening the hypotonic muscle structures. The pain disappears by strengthening the muscle corset.

Traditional medical methods are also used, but research has not proved their beneficial effects on health. Any self-medication methods should be discussed with a neurologist.

prevention of low back pain

It is important to maintain the health of the spine from a young age. In the initial period of body maturation, the body builds up sharply - organs grow, organs change positions, the skeleton becomes tall. If, at an early age, You teach your child the correct posture and regular exercise, then you will be able to avoid many problems of back in the future.

The child is taught to do exercise therapy at home several times a week to get a lasting effect. To avoid mistakes in performance, you need to consult with a good rehabilitator. The specialist will tell you that at homeHow to exercise correctly, choose an individualized exercise system. At an early age, it is important not to overdo it and alternate the principles of moderate exercise with stretching and thorough warm-up.

Good habits to prevent low back disease in childhood and adulthood:

  1. Prolonged sitting and improper seating at the workplace is accompanied by scoliosis with displacement to the left or right. You need to get up and stretching every 15-20 minutes - bending the neck andTurning the lower back, will tone tired muscles, improve blood flow.
  2. It is important to avoid prolonged exposure to antigal posture. Static overload of the regimen is full of pain.
  3. Do not make sharp twists of the neck or back. If you do this many times, there is a higher chance of injury. Most often, back injuries are caused by sudden and unusual stresses on the body.
  4. Sit up straight while working from home. When bending to the right or left in a sitting position, there is an incorrect load on the muscle. There is uneven muscle tension with hypertonicity or hypotension in any part of the back.
  5. It is necessary to exclude carrying the bag on the left side or right side on one shoulder. An option is a backpack that evenly loads the shoulders to the right or left without distortions.
  6. At home, it is recommended to do a complex stretch for tired muscles. After a long day at work, the muscles lose their elasticity. Warming stretching is also beneficial for ligaments and joints. The edge of the neck. Bending and forward, light static loads are useful.

One of the best ways to prevent low back discomfort is going to the pool. Swimming 1-2 times a week is enough to make the pains feel relieved. If you have current problems, specialize in less weeks. I recommend going to the pool at least 3 times.